
  • logisticus replied to the topic Is Loyalty Overvalued? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago

    Loyalty may have been included naturally due to history of armed forces and officer corps but in practice may be misunderstood.

    I thought often of loyalty to the American people who pay my salary, when making decisions. I wanted to honor their hopes with my conduct. I was dedicated to helping Army team succeed but for moral compass relied on service to nation.

    I had this discussion as a commander. I asked not for loyalty to me but to American people. Tied in with training. If no guidance, ask, what are you designed to do, why do you exist, what’s your purpose? If you’re a mechanic, be the best at that, train on that and soldiering and that’s loyalty to the American people’s hopes that you’re doing the right thing for the faith, money and support they put in you.

    The Constitution probably get read less than your command philosophy if longer than a page.