
  • Brock, I lack the insight from an ARNG perspective but as an active duty guy, I certainly appreciate the contributions and unique experiences and maturity reservists and guardsmen bring to Europe, whether it is to augment us (and we’re short-handed) or in the country-partnership.

    If I was the decision-maker, I’d tell you, yes, send more, probably missing the impact back home. My suggestion to answer your question is to offer flexibility and options. There are those that say – “no, they signed up, they knew what they were getting themselves into…” I am of the opinion that happy workers perform better, and there will be enough willing to relocate overseas to serve roles and visit places.

    To make that bridge easier, maybe look at Navy-style ship duty vs. shore duty, where you enter or can volunteer for a window of time where you are likely to be called upon for WIAS taskers vs. time where you’re non-deployable.