
  • x70037 replied to the topic 01E Pay advice in the forum Junior Officer 7 years ago

    Scott – the Benning finance office is referencing their own internal protocol (not regs) when they request that additional information. I know you don’t want to have by-name recognition with your chain of command at IBOLC, but these issues usually benefit from 1SG support. Explain the issue to your company 1SG (make sure your cadre PSG knows about this, too/first), and provide 1SG with the ammunition to go to battle for you. He’ll do the fighting, you just set the conditions.

    Likely, 1SG and/or your PSG are the ones that sent you to Finance the first time. Circle back and tell them Finance gave you an unsatisfactory answer and you need their help to resolve the issue. Those good NCOs won’t be able to resist an opportunity to help a fellow warrior.

    I hope this helps.


    3x Fort Benning Veteran