
  • cwineland replied to the topic Chapter 5-8 in the forum Syracuse ROTC 6 years, 2 months ago

    I wanna focus my discussion on this post directed towards the topic of LT McDonough assuming his first command as PL in Vietnam. His faith in his knowledge and grasp of an understanding of his methods had to reason for his quick decisions. This was a new experience for him as a PL and to just be thrown into command, there was no time for introductions. This was Vietnam and the thought of contact was continuously lingering. From the very interaction with his PSG and fellow squad leaders, we understood that LT McDonough was not playing around and he was placed there for a reason. There was no time to chitchat and introductions but to establish the course of action on how he would be handling his time here. I think the quick decision making and his plan of sitting back and learning before implementing change allowed for time to adapt to his new surroundings. From the time he took charge, his men knew he was there for a mission and the overall survival of his soldiers. They knew the methods of patrols that would be taken place and who would be where and when.

    Some specific decisions that stood out to me were his thought process of sending units beyond the wire. He knew the lack of personnel that each squad had and he knew the challenges of trying to continue to hold security while also getting a feel for the area surrounding his Patrol Base. I think he made a just decision in incorporating himself into the rotation not only to understand the squads but to also get a feel for his surroundings. This was a prime example of being a leader who doesn’t just sit inside for survival like the LT that he replaced. He had hands-on and wanted to show his men just that.