
  • argigon replied to the topic Chapter 9-12 in the forum Syracuse ROTC 6 years, 2 months ago

    While reading throughout this section of “Platoon Leader: A Memoir of Command in Combat”, I could not help but to reminded of the butterfly effect.  You may have heard of the metaphor detailing how the simple flutter of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil, could cause a domino effect ultimately culminating into a tornado wreaking havoc in Texas.  As an aspect of Chaos Theory, the butterfly effect is typically applied to the study areas of meteorology and quantum mechanics, however, I believe its most vital application is seen when it comes to decision making in leadership, and in life. When LT. McDonough first came to his platoon, he followed what a PL “should do” by the book, and this macro-perspective he took on his leadership style ended him up in the hospital.  However, with his gained experience and ability to reflect upon the situation, he begins to take a more micro-perspective. McDonough notices how much every little decision he makes impacts his ability to lead, how others perceive his leadership, the lives of his men, and ultimately the outcome of the war.  For example, if he had taken the sleeping quarters which he had given to his PSG, who knows if the Platoon would have been able to have effectively combat and defeat the enemy attack during the night in Chapter 11.  In regard to my personal and professional life, I take great tact in making sure that every decision I make will ultimately help me achieve my goals.  Before saying or doing anything, I take into consideration how my actions may impact myself and others.  Of course, I slip up sometimes, but another important part of decision making is being able to own your choices and make amends if able.  Albeit, in the field there are many choices one cannot take back, so one must be certain their decision is for the good of the whole, and not just the good of the now.  I hope that with the choices I have made so far in my life, and those I will make in the future, will lead towards providing success for myself, others, and the good of the nation.