
  • cwineland replied to the topic Chapter 9-12 in the forum Syracuse ROTC 6 years, 2 months ago

    LT McDonough was put into a very difficult situation when he had a soldier set off a round right next to him. Was this the right course of action on by the LT? Maybe not because of his position as acting Patrol Leader. Each decision that we make we must live and learn from our mistakes or accomplishments and this was a learning opportunity. For the LT I don’t believe he ever would have thought his own soldier would shoot a round but then again earlier we read where a soldier had thrown a grenade into a tend as a method of scaring a SGT but ended up injuring a fellow soldier. This same type of scare tactic was used on him and he had already experienced this methodical way of answering to someone who you don’t believe to follow. So did the LT handle this appropriately? If anything he was shocked, this was something that needed to be addressed on the spot and might have been handled very poorly but instilled that it would not be happening again. As a leader, our mission is to focus on handling our soldiers with a high level of respect and in this unique situation that method of respect went out the window. If I had to put myself in this same unique situation I would honestly not be sure as to how I would handle this unique encounter. I know I would handle this in a very wrong manner as I would definitely be freaking out but maybe this wouldn’t be the time for that. There is a lot of development that needs to be taken place and for the future, the LT should look at handling the situation differently if presented this same situation as a redo.