
  • cwineland replied to the topic Chapter 13-16 in the forum Syracuse ROTC 6 years, 2 months ago

    In Chapter 14, the LT had made a very difficult decision with transferring his PSG after suspecting allegations of a confrontation with a female POW. This was a rather difficult situation to picture but I felt that McDonough had a gut feeling that something was up. There was no concrete evidence except for a weird glace between the two but in the end, his decision was made. Hernadez and McDonough no longer had that bond between PL and PSG that was displayed earlier in the reading and since the fire between the two seemed to burn out and the trust was no longer present, it was ultimately time for a replacement. In the role of PSG and PL, trust and communication are one of the predominant factors in running a successful platoon and since this was hindered, a change needed to be made. Ultimately, we see it working out in favor of the LT with a very high-speed low drag new PSG.

    LT. McDonough had made an adequate decision and for a short time, he was sharing the position with a very insufficient PSG. This relationship needed to change and luckily it ended up working out. The position had been filled and the trust between PSG and PL was back in place. This ends up working out as we continue reading and the PSG depicted the definition of a perfect PSG for Lt. McDonough.