
  • logisticus replied to the topic How to prepare for company command in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    George, I think we’re onto something here- making sausage for next generation, or rather sharing recipe?

    2. As you know, we want to buy time, limit distractions, take care of Soldiers. I’ve been out of command for 2 years now, but will search for checklist. Essentially, I sat down w/ 1SG, XO, training NCO, orderly room, Supply NCO and PLs/PSGs and asked- “what are all the things that we can eliminate during in-processing, so afterward all a Soldier has to do is train and do his/her MOS job?” They each weighed in and we made a checklist that went in Soldier’s file. That helped everyone mentioned – even included FRG that wanted to knock on hotel door that first week, leave a list of useful numbers/places and a gift welcome basket for families new to Germany.

    3. The ‘tentative plan’ was discussing with all officers and ‘ALL’ NCOs (straight from horse’s mouth) the BDE and BN training guidance, our METS and priorities training-wise. We constructed plan on how to meet BDE/BN’s guidance each quarter, and how everything we do, builds on that to achieve end-state. Right there and then, we figured out who would do what, and by when (to include all gates, briefing dates, recons etc.) and ensured- 1. all leaders had chance to provide input into plan and 2. all leaders knew expectation, direction and understood the vision top to bottom.