
  • brock.j.young started the topic 2LT to 1LT Promotion in the ARNG/USAR in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    Knowing HOW you get promoted, helps you understand the process and know whether or not you’re on track or not close. There are differences when you start getting up in rank; unit vacancies, promotion boards, etc., however for the 2LTs out there, the process is fairly strait forward.

    For ARNG 2LTs, did you know that you are eligible for promotion at 18 months time in grade? The thing is (in most cases), you ALSO have to have graduated BOLC. But does your commander HAVE to promote you? The answer is NO. Your commander must still recommend you. What if you’re not eligible at 18 months? A waiver still needs to be submitted through your state. How about 24 months? If you’re not eligible at 24 months, ANOTHER waiver has to be submitted. What about if you’re not eligible at 36 months? Lets just say, get qualified before your hit 36 months.

    These waivers are also what tend to hold up ARNG 2LT promotions, because all waivers have to be approved before the promotion can be approved.

    How about the USAR? What are somethings that a USAR 2LT should know?


    Also! For all officers, if you haven’t seen it or don’t know what process our (ARNG) federal recognition (FEDREC) packets go through in order to get approved, check out the attached FEDREC Process file below. Also attached are the NGB Form 78s that CA uses.


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