
  • logisticus replied to the topic Sustainment Unit Defense in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    Dallas, I will compile some products – I have a few PPT slides from JMRC but its a process to sanitize units, disclosure etc.

    You’re touching on a key topic. I’ve observed first-hand brigades struggle w/ rear-area security which includes sustainment units of course. Think also of weapons systems. What do you have in the BSB that can destroy enemy armor? How about defeat enemy drones and quadcopters? Digging-in generators, tent-flap discipline, cover/concealment. I’ll provide some examples of what not do/what to do w/ pics, it will take me some time.


    [UPDATE] Dallas, attached T&EOs with “knock-out” criteria highlighted. In a multinational environment, some units had varying SOPs, doctrine, proficiency-level, equipment and TTPs. Still working a couple of AARs showing BSB-defense in pictures, still sanitizing.