
  • ae_rollinson replied to the topic Professional Reading Expanded in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 2 months ago

    @chris_s – Here’s my 2 cents. For me, leadership isn’t strictly the military aspects of the Army, but how we interact with people, why things are so, and applying lessons others (mil and civ) have learned in their own experiences. So, for me, it’s a very wide lens to try to pick up TTPs. That in mind, here’s my list of pods that I keep coming back to again and again. My BLUF advice is find something that angers you or irritates you or tickles your brain, something you can’t stop thinking about. Then ask: Why? Wash, rinse, repeat.

    “Invisibilia” (NPR) –
    – “a show about invisible forces that shape human behavior”
    What I get out: these talks change the walk I see, walk thru, and interact with the world. Fun-da-mentally. Straight, no chaser, hands down.
    Highly Recommends: “Frame of Reference,” “The Personality Myth,” & “How to Become Batman”

    Modern War Institute (West Point) –
    What I get out: military discussions I don’t get from news, work, or other social networks. Challenges to the way I think.
    Episodes: “Zombies & Global Security”

    “Note to Self” (NPR)
    – “the tech show about being human”
    What I get out: people no longer have a choice ‘to not be a tech person’; you have to know the ripple effect of using social media. BL – we’re all getting dragged, roped, or are leaping into Social Media Century … how what are the effects of that and how do we deal with what we’re doing to our kids and grandkids? We are leaders, leaders are and lead people, people (in US) are slurping up content and social media and internet connectivity. To work to understand this is to understand how seniors, peers, and subordinates are spending their time, how we communicate, and what that means.
    Episodes: (pick your topic – social media, services to send messages to family after your death, games for mental health, lying about ‘not seeing text message’, the importance of being bored, twitter bots, how FaceBook advert tracking works…)

    “How I Built This (HIBT)” (NPR)
    – “HIBT weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneaurs, and idealists – and the movements they built”. NPR is working their way through interviewing how companies were born.
    Why I listen: Because sometimes you need stories of struggle and triumph and failure fueling success to get your through where you are. Or to remind you that you have it good right now and better burn the fuel while it’s there. Or to help others going through the same. Or all these. BLUF – the work YOU do is important. You may never seen the fruits. But the presence you radiate is so very important. Just. Keep. Going.
    Episodes: pick a company you know and start there. I recommend “Samuel Adams,” “Warby Parker,” “Melissa & Doug,” “Spanx,” and “Edible Arrangements” for their stories of tenacity.

    “TED Radio Hour” (NPR)
    – an hour long summary of a topic as discussed through usually x3-5 TED talks in brief. A great way to get an overview of a topic with varying perspectives and to see if you want to deep dive into those talks or the speakers work.
    Episodes: “Failure is an option”, “Press Play”, “Disruptive Leadership”, “The Digital-Industrial Revolution”, “Playing with perceptions”, “The Hero’s Journey”, “Headspace”, “Maslow’s Human Needs”, “the act of listening”.
    Epsidodes I couldn’t find but that are TED talks – Susan Cain’s “Quiet Revolution” (because leaders can be and are introverts) and Shawn Acher’s “The happy secret to better work” (basically, what MRT actually is, without the Army acronnyms. A hilarious and engaging talk!)