
  • x70037 replied to the topic Leadership Broadening Opportunities & Sense of Humor in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago

    Great topic, wanted to add some input. I am currently mid-stride of my post-command broadening opportunity…

    Pursue broadening opportunities! Pursue broadening opportunities!

    You will struggle to find mentors that can advise you on broadening opportunities because broadening assignments are by their very nature unique. So, most mentors have limited experience with the specific program or how it will affect your long-term career. Blazing your own path is part of the broadening.

    How do you continue to hone your leadership skills? Why, you become a contributing member of the Junior Officer Forum. That’s how!


    JOF “BOLC” Topic Lead

    PS – Yes, I believe humor is important to effective leadership!