
  • jrrooker replied to the topic Counseling your PSG in the forum Junior Officer 6 years ago

    To start off, I think that a young LT needs to understand that where the PSG has been. Like you mentioned, new LT’s don’t have much tangible experience. However, their PEG more than likely has at least 12-15 years with probably at least 1 or 2 combat deployments. Not to mention that an E6/7 has been counseled numerous times for things both good and bad.

    My advise to to keep it simple. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

    I have found that when I keep it professional and not treat these men and women who have earned the position of PSG like children, I work well with them.

    My last point is to throughout the counseling, remind the PSG that as PLT leadership, we are a team. A team responsible for the welfare of the PLT. We win together, we fail together.