Boyd's OODA Loop explained
I did not make this (Defense and the National Interest,, 2006), but I have used it to greater or lesser effect over the years.
Here is a synopsis from the last slide's note section:
"Boyd drew this a little over a year before he died.
It’s worth pointing out that the OODA “loop” (Observe Orient Decide Act) is a way of thinking about organizational behavior. Boyd once called it an “operational scheme for organizational success.” It provides a common framework to help individuals and organizations focus on ways to improve their competitiveness. When leaders talk about the need for more implicit communications or the need to improve re-orientation times, people throughout the organization will know what they are talking about and why.
Essentially, the purpose of the OODA loop model is to enable organizations to change their environments before opponents can comprehend. In the case of business, this might be restated as the ability to change the market before competitors can offer more alluring products and services. In other words, what’s really important is not the loop per se, but operating inside opponents’ OODA loops.
Another important point about the OODA loop is that you get the quickness you deserve. Your ability to operate inside your opponents’ OODA loops is largely a function of the organizational climate or “way” (as in the Toyota Way) that you instill."
What makes me laugh, from my time in Australia, is that they have ASDA – Act Sense Decide Adapt. Found here:
Act first! Think later! So Aussie, but it makes sense when you look at the whole OODA approach.
Robert Coram's book on Boyd is good, but not referenced at all, so as a scholarly work it falls down. Still a very good read to get to know the man behind the legend.
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