JO Newsletter — March 2017
March is traditionally held to come “in like a lion.” In that spirit, here’s what’s roaring in the JO Communities! If you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and it will go right to the item.
- Leader Development Versus Leader Training: Are they different and does it matter? Can you have an effective LPD program without both? How do you strike the balance?
- Can Leaders be introverts?: Professional stereotypes aside, what do you find you have to do to balance one way or another to be the best version of yourself?”
- NCOs and Officers: No matter your position, you will always have a NCO counterpart. What kind of relationship do you have with your NCOIC?
- Jump-Starting Unit Development (Getting the buy-in): One officer’s reflection: “The rapid change I wanted took longer than expected due to a lack of “buy-in” at the team-leader/sergeant (E-5 to E-6) level…”
- What products/systems do you need to effectively organize your unit?: What are some systems, SOPS, TTPs, products that worked for you in your formations?
- How do you use fitness to bond with your Soldiers?: When you set goals together, just like a mission, success brings you all closer together. Files related to the discussion can be found here.
- Common mistakes for PT?: What are some common mistakes LTs make when creating a PT plan?
- What are units doing to inform soldiers of the new retirement?: Are you, the leaders, sparking informal conversation? Incorporating into quarterly counselings? Letting higher level command take care of it?”
- Family Readiness Group (FRG) — Tips, Experiences and Resources: A member-led discussion already has a bunch of great ideas about getting the most out of your FRG. What are yours?
- Reading broadly, managing self development: What are your favorite professional picks for self-development? Any good tips/tricks to stay current and intellectually stimulated?
- BOLC lessons learned and Where to live at BOLC: Two threads talking about getting off to a good start. Chime in with your lessons learned!
- Books every cadet and 2LT should read: On the list so far: Good to Great, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Starship Troopers, Steal Like an Artist, Start with Why, and Leadership that Gets Results. What do you think?
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Knowledge Management of Human Resources for a JRTC DATE rotation: From the S1 of a CAV SQDN: “I put together some thoughts on the experience and reflections after our JRTC rotation, specifically about knowledge management within the S1 shop.”
- 1-16 IN LPD Program: 1-16 IN, currently deployed on a 9 month rotation to Korea, shared their Leader Professional Development (LPD) program with us. One really cool aspect of this program is that it’s driven by a grass-roots group of soldiers within the Battalion called the Leader Development Council (LDC). Check it out!
- NCOER Training/Classes: Support Forms and NCOER Writing: 2 classes put together to train officers and NCOs on NCOERs and NCOER Support forms. These can also be used to create and understand OER Support forms.
- APFT Failure, Improvement Plan, and Fail to Improve Counseling Sets (2 versions): A pair of counseling-statement sets for an initial APFT failure, plan for improvement, and failure to improve.
- Shop/Bench Stock for SBCT on move and Fuel Calculator for Tactical Units (A Way): 2CR made a historic march across Europe last fall. Here’s part of how they did it.
- NBCRV (L6) Smartbook: Contains information on the appropriate systems as well as how to conduct Mounted CBRN Reconnaissance.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Have you seen the new ARNG/USAR TOC? We created this space because service as an officer in the reserve components has a unique set of challenges that Active Component officers may not have to contend with. This community is intended to be a place to discuss those challenges, answer questions, and post products that are specific to ARNG/USAR officers. If you’re a Reserve Component officer or you’re looking to learn more about the RC, come visit!
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!