
  • abclark started the topic Change of Responsibility in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago

    My Troop recently completed a change of responsibility for my new 1SG in order to formally welcome him to the organization.  At the outset, I saw the activity as an unnecessary event, as he was already integrated in the unit and part of daily activities; morning formations and physical readiness training.  Additionally, the 1SG replaced a Sergeant First Class that was going to become a platoon sergeant again before leaving the Troop.  My Squadron Command Sergeant Major sagely forced the event and the Troop, as normal, took on the challenge and performed to a very high standard.  I, as the Troop commander got to be the ceremony official and speak about the two awesome NCOs that were part of my formation.  The Soldiers got to demonstrate their competence for the new 1SG and say good bye to the old 1SG with an outstanding performance.  What started as a forcing function turned out to be one of the best events of my command, and noted by the Brigade Command Sergeant Major as a stellar event.  Preparing/delivering my speech allowed me to recall all the outstanding things the former 1SG was able to achieve and also note my excitement of having a new 1SG that would be able to build on what his predecessor achieved.  I encourage current and future company/troop/battery commanders to conduct changes of responsibility as a way to formally welcome the new 1SG and say goodbye to the old, just as you require as the commander of the organization.  If nothing else, the event solidifies the position of the 1SG from the prospective of the Soldiers and aids the formalization of the command team.