
  • adam.szczypka started the topic Bases of Social Power in an uncertain environment in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 6 months ago

    Pretty sure this was required reading at West Point, but I find myself revisiting it as I watch people compete for power. Especially in Cyber, you’ll find a significant percentage that believe “expert power” is all that matters. Difficult thing in Cyber is there’s so much to know, you’re bound to be a dunce at something. Maybe a lot of things. Additionally, I’ve heard it said on multiple occasions that if you have to tell someone you’re in charge, you really aren’t.

    Bases of Social Power

    1.) Do we place too much (or not enough) emphasis on expert power?

    2.) Do we empower junior leaders with “reward” and “coercive” power?

    3.) Is it the responsibility of the junior leader to reach for power?

    4.) When we split commands (OPCON, ADCON, etc), how do we ensure we aren’t creating a power vacuum or (the opposite extreme) overwhelming our subordinates?

    5.) How do you address social tension when a mismatch of power exists? Classic example is the experienced platoon sergeant (expert power) receiving a rating from a junior lieutenant (legitimate power), but our particular unit is employing civilians of wildly different experiences (both technically and interpersonally) and generally subordinating the civilians to mid-career officers (Majors and senior Captains).