
  • andrewnussbaum replied to the topic Syracuse ROTC MSL 301 Discussion: Professional Reading in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    CDT Nussbaum

    Q #3

    It is not that professional reading is a dated learning concept, but just one learning method of several that are now available. In the same way that there are several different types of learners, there are now several types of learning methods available for those seeking to improve their leadership qualities and learn from past experiences. For someone who learns best from reading and understanding text, professional reading materials may be the method that best suits them. However a person who learns best by listening to speakers talk about there experiences, audio recordings and other listening materials are readily available. Also, individuals who learn best from visual representations of these concepts can now seek out knowledge and experiences through video demonstration and visual aids (youtube, TED talks, exc.). The best way to absorb the information that would be represented in professional reading would be to select the method of learning that best fits your own method of learning. Since I am better suited to listening and visual representation, I would seek out audio books or other listening materials, or even a reputable YouTube channel. With such a wide variety of learning materials available, it is vital to choose the method that will make your learning experience most effective.