
  • bmcgarry replied to the topic Battle Assembly Weekend TTPs in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 7 months ago


    Some excellent points and tips to go with it.  I’ve been considering ways to “encourage” Soldiers to accomplish many tasks, such as DL courses and evaluations, outside of BA.  The organization I’m part of currently spends an inordinate amount of time on BA weekend completing administrative tasks, like filling out forms and paperwork, and doing the aforementioned tasks.  This is a huge pet peeve of mine as I feel that the short amount of time the unit spends together should be used for training together.  The idea of having Soldiers sleep at the armory (reserve center) is something I haven’t considered and I like it a lot.  There’s some logistical barriers to overcome because sleeping in reserve centers is frowned upon but I just looked up the requirements and it’s possible.


    Planning is another challenge that my current organization faces; currently there’s a marginal plan at best for 30 days out.  My goal is to be planning 120 days out as I’ve done previously as an AS-3.


    Prioritizing:  I may be lucky in this regard as my higher HQ, and thus my “boss”, is deploying and his focus won’t be on my Company as much.  I believe this will allow me some flexibility in determining my priorities without being questioned constantly about what did/didn’t happen.