
  • brock.j.young started the topic Tips for surviving Command in the ARNG/USAR in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 6 months ago

    Anyone who serves in the ARNG/USAR knows that, among other things, it is a constant battle between the civilian and the Military. Completing training plans, counseling, writing awards, completing online training, PT…  These are just some of the things that the lowest level ARNG/USAR leaders are expected to complete between drill. Now, the higher you go in the food chain, add the need to prepare for and attend/call into multiple meetings a month, routine calls with your full time personnel, random call from your next level commanders (to not go line-by-line… but end up going line by line…), and much more.  This doesn’t even take into account any investigations you’re assigned, reports you have to write, open door phone calls you need to field, or random slide decks you have to prepare.

    Seems like a lot, right? Now, add on top of that a full time civilian career, family and possibly school.  Now your head is swimming!

    As a leader in the ARNG/USAR, commander, PL or otherwise, what tips can you offer those just coming to the awesome realization of what they’ve gotten themselves into by accepting the title, COMMANDER?