
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Organizing for Success (August 2018 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 1 month ago

    There was a great post on this very topic by @X70037,

    Personally I use a mix of three primary things that help keep me on track.

    First, outlook. It’s great for those reoccurring meetings, things sent from “higher,” things I can link to my cell calendar, etc.

    Next, I have my white board for those “keep them in my face,” things. I also post statuses of projects I’m working on, mostly to keep my supervisor off my 6, but also so I know how much left I need to complete.

    Finally, I have my weekly battle rhythm (attached). I can’t tell you how many times this thing has saved my bacon in various staff positions I’ve held. Make it, make sure it has flexibility, follow-it. No matter what job or position you hold, this can be tailored for what you have to do.