
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Bring Back the Drink and Think? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 1 month ago

    I’ve always liked the idea. The most worthwhile mentorship I ever received was was over a couple of beers with some candid conversation. However I also have seen the steady decline of these things as @adam.szczypka mentioned. “Leaders” these days point to the ever present specter of SHARP when they outlaw these types of gatherings, choosing instead zero tolerance policies. I look at it like a training opportunity, and not just in the peer-to-peer/change of ideas realm. It also teaches people to interact with one another in a social setting without being undisciplined little butt heads, hitting on each other, etc. From what I’ve seen, not allowing young leaders and Soldiers to interact in that hybrid professional/social setting, leads to even more of the unhinged behavior that leads to even more of the mass punishments we all know and loath.