
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic How are you an Advocate for your Component/Branch/The Army? in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 6 months ago


    A message, a story, a funny anecdote of “that time in (insert foreign land),” I think we agree that it’s important to have something prepared, even if only a couple of key points.

    Besides a personal “Army” story, why a person joined, and the benefits of service, what are some other points that Soldiers should have in the rucks, ready to speak on?

    What about professionally? Is it important to have a professional “elevator pitch” about yourself? In the private professional world, elevator pitches, those 30-60 second sales pitches, are used to sell an idea, product, or are used to sell a person’s professional resume to someone who might be hiring. Can this also be of use for young Officers as they move up in position and rank?