
  • brock.j.young started the topic Thoughts on "A Message to Garcia" in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 6 months ago

    I recently read an outstanding article by Adam Maisel and Will DuVal  (Published 9 March 2017 by The Modern War Institute; that validated everything that I personally thought about the 1500 word essay, “A Message to Garcia.”  If you haven’t read it (I would be surprised, however I attached a PDF copy just in case), its a short story about a young officer who was given a mission, a mission with few (if any) details, with no support or resources given, and absolutely no guidance beyond the “deliver this letter to General Garcia.”  Absolutely no purpose.

    I always thought it did a disservice to our ranks, teaching young leaders that they should “roger-up and move out smartly!” to any task they’re given without pausing to ask for additional information, and asking questions that clarify the situation.  In short, finding out the details about the mission that would allow a leader to plan and execute in a manner that wouldn’t get them (or their people) killed.

    I also thought it displayed an incredibly toxic trait, the “accomplishment of the mission is the only thing that matters” mindset, where absolutely no thought or care is given to “HOW” that mission is to be accomplished.  The “just get it done” attitude that many junior leaders face.

    I agree that leaders need initiative, they need the FIRE to accomplish the mission, but again, this story always sat wrong with me because of the simplistic nature that it boiled “accomplishment of the mission” down to.

    Maybe I’m an outlier.  I wonder, what are your thoughts on “A Message to Garcia?”
