
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Recommendation for Award Examples in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago

    Some of the best advice I can offer are the following:

    1) Get an example of what the approving authority is looking for. Some BDE CDRs accept 4 achievements on an ARCOM written as simply as “Joe did X, X helped the unit Y amount.” Then again, some BN CDRs want full, multi-sentence write-ups in each achievement block to justify an AAM. Know what they’re looking for, and it will help you when you decide to put in a Soldier for an award.

    2) Be realistic when you submit a subordinate for an award. The level of award needs to reflect the risk, level of responsibility and outcome. A SPC has a lower level of responsibility than a SSG, even if the outcome of service was successful. In the ARNG we also have state awards, that are typically looked down on even though they rate the same points in the promotion system. Sometimes Joe only deserves a positive counseling. Here’s the thing about positive counseling; three or four of them and you have 4 achievements for DA 638. Boom – ARCOM.

    3) Writing achievements. If you’re command is one that needs the full “MSM” write-up for an AAM, it’s good to know it ahead of time (see 1 above), and then write your 1st achievement sentence broad enough so that your supporting sentences provide the details and state what that person actually did and what impact it made. You have to give the approval authority the condition and environment the SM was operating under when the situation happened; actions taken; overall impact on SM, public safety, unit readiness, etc. This tells the approving authority how this person went above and beyond his/her normal daily scope and job duties and is deserving of an award.


    No matter what you do, show your Soldiers you care. Say thank you. Shake their hands, look them in the eye, and show you care about what they did.