
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Company meeting in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago


    Congratulations! This was something that I spent about a month trying to figure out, basically as soon as I took command right up until the point that I briefed my company for the first time. I guess it included my speech as the incoming commander during the CoC.

    I tried to keep with a theme which boiled down to my vision for the company and where I wanted to go. When I briefed the company in a room together, I used it as an opportunity to “initially counsel” the entire unit on my expectations of them, as well as what they can expect from me. I made sure to go through my command philosophy and make it clear that the document was a contract that I was accountable to as well.

    My intent was that there should be no question about what they should expect from me, or me them. Now I spend every day making sure I maintain my end of the contract.

    Good luck!

