
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Example and Appropriateness for Capable OER Block in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago


    I would think there are only two real ethical/moral responsibilities you as a leader have in this situation;

    1) You as a leader have the responsibility to the young officer and the tax payer to do everything you can to guide, coach and teach this young 2LT in order to help them fix their shortcomings. The USA spent a lot of tax payer money getting them to this point, it shouldn’t be wasted. However if and when that is not enough…

    2) You have a moral and ethical responsibility to the organization, the nation, the parents, spouses and loved ones of the Soldiers under your command who will be affected by this individual’s lack of ability, to ensure that the substandard officer is put on notice and (if required) subsequently removed from positions that could endanger the lives of Soldiers. How many officers (and NCOs as well) are promoted in order to move them?

    I look at things pretty simple; do I want this individual leading my children into combat? If the answer is NO, then I take the appropriate steps to fix or fire.
