
  • brock.j.young started the topic My First Suicidal Ideation… in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    So this afternoon I left the hospital where I met with one of my Soldiers. He’s a solid SPC who’s been in about 12 years, has multiple deployments overseas, and was stationed in Korea, Germany, Kansas and FT Lewis when he was active duty. He’s got a fiance’ and a beautiful 8 month old baby girl. He’s one of the better SPC’s in my company, dependable and knowledgeable, though could use a little more initiative (hints the SPC with 12). What he also has, is fairly severe PTSD.

    He called me last night and told me about the dark place he was in, about the thoughts he was having, about how he stopped himself but couldn’t shake the feelings. It was one of the hardest conversations I’ve ever had to deal with, sitting there, talking to my Soldier who was hours away, hoping the help that was called got there in time. Finally, his personal weapons were secured, and he was escorted to a behavioral health hospital where he was placed under a 72 hour hold.

    We’ve all heard about it, sat in classes about it. Heck!!! I even taught one yesterday afternoon about it. But let’s be honest; when we tell our Soldiers that we’re always available in case they need something, even though we’re being 100% sincere, how many of us honestly believe that they will come to you?!?

    When I saw him today, he was doing better, though he was heavily medicated. It’s going to be a long haul for him, as well as for the unit… as well as for myself. Will he be able to get back to deployable status? Will he break again? Is he or will he become a danger to himself or others at some point in the future? Am I thinking too much about it?

    It’s a situation many leaders will face; or at least we hope we do. Because the alternative is unthinkable. If a Soldier doesn’t feel that they can come to you or the chain of command, then what?



    How can you create a climate within your organizations where Soldiers can come forward without fear of reprisal?

    What are your battle drills when and if you come face to face with this situation?

    What advice can you give to PLs and Commanders who may come face to face with this situation?