
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic More than one Branch within the NG/Reserves: Pros and Cons? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    Ah, politics… Both a pro (if you’re in the in) and a con (if you’re in the out). Personally, I learned a long time ago that you have to learn to play the politics game; one way or another. You learn to play, or it will crush you. However, as you said, in order to be successful and still maintain your professionalism, learn to play the game but make sure you always remember where you come from. Keep that compass pointed north; never compromise yourself.

    However I wouldn’t limit the “politics” game to the ARG realm. I would add that it can also be very real within the M-Day/TPU world. Politicking, “greasing the skids,” making yourself known, setting yourself apart from your peers; call it what you want, it’s still the same thing. Networking.