
  • cale replied to the topic Drilling with an overseas job in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 5 months ago

    I have had several soldiers start positions overseas.  Its a conversation you need have with your commander.  Long term you may need to look at going over into the reserves.  Personally, I would consider ING for a year.  There are several issues that are going to impact you.

    1)  You have 2 years to complete a BOLC or face an admin discharge.  I’ve never seen it waivered.

    2)  New LTs need to be in platoons.  It sets you up for future command positions.  Yes, there have been some officers get command without PL time but its a small number.

    3)  Can you commit to your new unit the time you need?   Being a PL or Commander is like a second full time job.  You owe your people a significant amount of time.  Can you commit to it?  As an officer you cannot be successful if you show up just once a month.   OCS is a taste of the time commitment you’re going to make as an officer leading a unit.

    I don’t mean to sound like a wet blanket, but I want you to understand the commitment you are making and some of the potential impacts.

    My recommendation is try to go ING.  It gives you a year in which to do your commitment to your employer and then come back and focus on your guard career.