
  • charles.hood replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 9 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 1 month ago

    ‘Will your people follow an order that is lawful, ethical, and incorrect?’

    Yes, definitely.  In fact, I think it’s a conundrum you run into in a professional force that’s poorly run.  The Army delivers disciplined forces for the most part but, when they’re led poorly that discipline works against us.

    I work in the Pentagon.  There are untold numbers of staff tasks and decisions made every day that probably aren’t the ‘right’ way to do things.  But, it’s a part of a huge ecosystem with very few people understanding the whole of every process – and where that process aligns with the legislative and executive branches of government.

    This question makes me think of the opening scene from ‘Saving Private Ryan’ where a sapper is clearing a tank obstacle.  He’s told there’s no need since the planned armor is floundering in the water and won’t make it ashore.  His response is he’s been given a job and he’s going to do it – and tells Hanks’ character to get somewhere else because he’s clearing this one.  You could say he’s following foolish and outdated orders – or you could say he’s heroically driving on to his objective regardless of the failures of others.  I think it gets back to the responsibilities of leaders at every level.  A disciplined force will, and should, follow orders that aren’t the best – because a part of discipline is understanding you don’t get to make every decision at your level.  But, a key part of leadership is risking your career in order to make changes ‘above your level.’  To me that’s the heart of ‘responsible for everything that happens or fails to happen.’