
  • Christopher.M.Dirks replied to the topic Section 3 in the forum 1-5 Cav 6 years, 6 months ago

    S6:  Communications and MDMP

    The lack of a proper chain of command stifled communications in the Eighth Army.  Once the S. Koreans got over-ran, there was not a proper channel to inform the U.S. military leadership.  Additionally, out of date and unreliable communication devices led to poor reporting between U.S. forces.  As seen with TF Smith, the lines of communications were constantly being disrupted.

    After the continued defeat of American forces, General Walker’s staff became “defeatist.”  This influences MDMP in multiple ways, including decision making and morale.  While it is easier to plan in the defense rather than the attack, the attacker always holds one advantage (until lost) and that is the element of surprise.  This “surprise” is multiplied when communication from the front is stalled or non-existent to mission command nodes.  Due to this, it is difficult to make accurate decisions and multiplies the “defeatist” attitude.  This attitude changes the way the war is fought in a “go win the war” to a “how much can we salvage.”  Coming from a Raiders fan, I know about continued defeats.  Discipline and proper mindset are crucial for a successful change of culture to produce “winning” strategy for MDMP.