JasonK.Smith replied to the topic BN S-6 Advices needed in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago
Hoping to spark some conversation: (these may apply to more than just an S6)
– Know your equipment: capabilities and maintenance status. Build a leaders book and carry it with you. Include a one page slide for the most common commo equipment in the BN. Be prepared to either give pages away or email them to others.
– Your Soldiers are still Soldiers. Make them be Soldiers. Resist the urge to relax.
– Maintenance is training. Without equipment, Signal Soldiers are guards and KP.
– Talk to your Company Commander and be interested in their training goals. This will make your goals interesting to them. No white space? This lack of dialog is normally the issue. Get your training on the BN and HHC QTB brief, training schedules, etc.
– Set priorities. Write them down in a place where everyone (including yourself) can see them.
– Know your budget. Spend it and be prepared to spend others budget when they can’t.
– Be prepared to answer weirdest questions you can imagine.
– Become an expert in Word, Excel, Power Point, SharePoint, OneNote, CPOF, etc. Notice I said expert. The other staff, commanders and random people will expect it. It will give you power (expert power) which will make them confident in you in other areas.
– Go to meetings. Training, Maintenance, OPORD briefs, etc. This is how you find out what is going on. Always suggest methods of including communication training in everything.
– Never be late. Ever. You may end up standing during the meeting. No really, you want to sit up front and be value added.