
  • jbowen_100 replied to the topic Lessons from Company Command in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for responding. I certainly understand the scenario you’ve laid out. There are always seasons where a CO CDR does not control his/her training calendar, primarily from PLT- to BDE-level collective training. Strictly in my opinion, I believe CO CDRs should own their training plans (and certifications) through SQD-level. Unfortunately, it does not sound like your units have afforded that luxury.
    Obviously, a proposal is for the CO CDR to fight for white space with the BN S3 and BN CDR. If they create and dictate SQD STX/LFX plans, you should at least be afforded preparation windows. My BN did create a BN-consolidated SQD certification field exercise, but I was afforded 4-5 months of white space to conduct my own individual training and SQD preparatory training. Your BN should not dictate every individual and SQD training event; that violates the 2-up/down law in my opinion. My BN encouraged consolidating ranges and drivers training between companies, but we worked that out at our level.
    What if none of that works? Then, I would encourage you to create a company-internal opportunity training (hip pocket) plan. A company planning conference might not be planning out FTXs for your company then…it might be listing out all of the individual, squad, and platoon collective tasks that must be trained prior to mandated major training exercise from BN and then prioritizing. Then, you hand the responsibility over to your PLs. They work with their NCOs to assign trainers to the difference tasks; those trainers are responsible for preparing a class or exercises IVO the unit area that they can conduct if a few hours of white space is available during a day. Then, when that space becomes available, PL tells NCO X to take the PLT out and train on collective task 1. It doesn’t allow for CO FTXs, which every CDR desires and is not really the sexy answer, but it will work. It empowers your subordinates and gives them the motivation to own their training. It also minimizes the need for resources. Use areas around your unit or available training grounds near the cantonment area (Training Area Bravo at Ft. Carson or Area J at Bragg) that don’t require Range Control coordination.