
  • jeffreydickey replied to the topic Company meeting in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Sully,

    yeah It sure is tough, but when I first arrived I had a sense that the 1SG was not enough involved but not to his fault. I received a lot of email transmissions come across my way, but most was lacking one name on the emails and that was the 1SG. So in my first company meeting I made it mandatory that he is to be on every email transmission and most should go to him anyway so that he can have that authority to approve or disapprove anything of what his soldiers request or do before coming to me. Now the 1SG gets with me if he has any questions and lets me know things and I’m just a phone call or email away. My full time staff gets with me when they need signatures or if there is a problem or issues with anything to include BN. I’m finding it harder as I go along to manage a lot of things, and I’m learning slowly but surely what my priorities should or should not be. Now if I can just learn to brief a little bit better I would be on track HAHA!!! No but its a good company and I love commanding it. I have a main unit with the 3 DETS and 2 of the DETS are approx. 5 hours away; sucks for sure, but I am going to make my way out there more than once in my tenure here. I have already been told I have made positive impact from multiple sources to the this unit and I will continue to do so. I am striving to make the FRG program better than what it is as well since it is a commanders program.