
  • jroon100 replied to the topic Chapter 1-4 in the forum Syracuse ROTC 6 years, 7 months ago

    I feel like I can identify with some of the thoughts and observations of LT McDonough. His feelings of uncertainty in his future, his wonder of what the true experience of war is, and the tradition of military service are all things I identify with. I think that LT McDonough’s interaction with the Lieutenant he meets just before leaving for his platoon is a personification of what McDonough truly fears; surviving his time in the jungle physically, but enduring a mental breakdown and never being the same. I can identify with this, as seeing some of my family members endure their own cases of PTSD from their time in combat and being fearful that I may someday return home from my own war in one piece, but return with a severe mental burden.

    I don’t think you can ever be fully prepared to leave your family for deployment, or for your first firefight, for losing your first man, or writing letters home to the parents of your fallen soldiers. While I won’t pass too much judgment on these experiences, as I have no right or valuable experience to do so, I do think that having a strong sense of emotional disciple and mental strength can equip soldiers to best deal with the emotions that arise in these situations.

    I think that understanding the effects of war is incredibly important for officers. The effects of war are driving service members to suicide. Understanding that war separates soldiers from the civilian population by way of extreme emotional experience is crucial for officers to grasp. A wise NCO once told me that “being a leader is not always about being high speed and tactical, it is about being there for your soldiers when they need you the most”

    I think the army as a whole could do a better job of preparing all soldiers for the eventual effects of war. While there is no way to truly mimic the effects of war in a training situation, I think the Army needs to facilitate the success and mental health of soldiers after they leave the fighting force.

    Id love to hear from anyone who wants to share their experiences.

