
  • lavertym replied to the topic What We're Not Discussing (December 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 5 months ago

    I don’t mean to imply that on day two of command you start saying things. That was not my intent at all, so apologies. I have seen that side of… eagerness and you’re right, it can be killer to morale. Especially if that leader just destroys everything you have done for the past 6,12,24 months.

    However, I think that you can effect change from the beginning by, as I said, laying down your beliefs and expectations. Just because you have not changed the training calendar or how PT and maintenance is done or whatever, does not mean you cannot still start your pitch from day two on winning them over to your way and eventually effecting your vision. I do not think you have to physically change systems and routines immediately to begin to immediately change attitudes. A leader only has so much time, and waiting the recommended 30-60 days to begin to affect change means you are already behind.