
  • logisticus started the topic some training scenario tips in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago

    Remember as PL, and CO, planning scenarios for CALFX (road-block, IED, UXO, MEDEVAC, COBs, maybe daisy-chain or small arms w/ IED).

    When planning your next PLT STX or Company FTX, consider: enemy spotters in civilian attire, stacked UAVs (dropping ordnance or spotting), artillery barrages taking out whole grid squares and conventional armored forces.

    This may train create forcing functions to – disperse, conceal, train on javelins, AT4/Carl Gustav weapon systems and exercise noise, light, litter discipline incl. tent-flap discipline and dig-in generators. Also, non-infantry units should sign out non-MTOE AT4 or Carl G’ weapons and practice w/ them engaging enemy armor.