
  • logisticus replied to the topic Who's more important – your Soldiers or your unit? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    time management. staying late doesn’t equate results. look at what needs to be done, and map it out in time/space. leaders insulate subordinates. at some point, influence-up to “turn-off” the requirements if they unfairly pile upon each other. but first, achieve balance between time, people, tasks. there are many that tasks that ‘could’ be done, but which ones need to be done, which ones are due tomorrow?

    many overworked staffs don’t use time wisely, engage everyone (they have go-to people instead), don’t prioritize and have the courage to say no. there’s no Gods in the military, a junior officer can stand-up for the right thing and somewhere up the chain of command someone will recognize that moral courage.

    I learned this from experience and wish I had the courage and knowledge as a lieutenant to stand-up to a leader that believed all should stay at work until 20:00-21:00 each night and then assign blame, exactly as you describe, not tracking impact of her actions.