
  • logisticus replied to the topic Prioritize, Plan, Train in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 5 months ago

    to beat deadhorse – communication is glue.

    training and certification shouldn’t be two different things but sometimes are by virtue of many factors. I favor training, that builds muscle-memory, confidence, competence, familiarity. I commanded in a time when there was no time to train. This realized, its improving, tools being given to JOs.

    I say don’t get hung on OBJ-T. Train how you will fight, test, learn and reflect how you will fight, and adjust training plan to that – let a DATE shape training plan. Don’t “prioritize” what you must brief OBJ-T over how you will really fight. One, its paperwork, slides, a brief to seniors which equals successful eval, and the other, is the ‘real’ toolkit your subordinates need to survive next firefight that can happen years from now.

    As you said – I provided my nested guidance by quarter, with focus-areas, ensuring big pic and end-state is understood (the why its important). It takes 10k rounds to build muscle-memory, and 58 are provided yearly to sustainers which means in 172 years my Soldiers will have built muscle-memory.