maryebeery replied to the topic Establishing and Maintaining Supply Discipline in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 10 months ago
One way to easily make sure you’re not being duped by soldiers is to ensure you have the Components of End Item (COEI) and Basic Issue Items (BII) lists for each end item on your hand receipt. This will not only give you a list of everything you need, but also provide drawings and pictures so you can get a feel for what you should be looking for…[Read more]
maryebeery replied to the topic Where to live at BOLC in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
Fort Leonard Wood:
You’ll be put up in an IHG room throughout the duration of your stay. This goes for all three branches there (Chem, Engineer, MP). They are generally nice rooms, most of them mirroring a typical hotel room. House keeping comes in once a week to change sheets and vacuum and clean the bathroom. There are three different living…[Read more]
maryebeery replied to the topic Getting the most out of CTLT in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
Do not stress about CTLT. I had the time of my life learning basic ins and outs of being a PL from my sponsor. It is the most carefree environment for learning.
I was not fortunate enough to know anything about my experience before my departure (except for the location). If your sponsor gets in contact with you or you are given any sort of…[Read more]
Beery became a registered member 8 years ago
maryebeery became a registered member 8 years ago