
  • michael-j-shepard replied to the topic Team Unity in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 7 months ago

    At the platoon level, in the case of low morale, I would take a two-pronged approach.

    First, I would focus on the platoon itself.  Put your ear to the ground, talk to your PSG, and try to figure out why things are low.  Develop a plan with your PSG to engage the platoon in whatever “slices” you see necessary – lower enlisted, NCOs, Squad Leaders; by squad, or some other method.  The goal is to reduce group size and the pressures of rank enough to allow people to talk freely.  Then… listen.  Whatever you find, work with the PSG to develop a plan to fix it and brief your commander on what you’re doing and why.

    I’d note that, in some cases, the PSG can be the problem.  If you discover that is the case, work with the 1SG and commander to develop a plan on improving that situation.

    Second, I would ask the commander whether he or she feels it is necessary to conduct a climate survey.  The problem may extend beyond or may be caused by something external to your platoon.  A company climate survey might root out the problem and also provides your Soldiers a chance to anonymously identify their problems.

    More broadly, as already noted, simply applying a standard of discipline, fair application of both rewards and punishment, and structured guidance to your organization can have a drastic positive impact.  Often Soldiers get bitter about working for a dysfunctional organization, whether real or perceived.  When a troop gets to work each day and doesn’t know what it’s doing in advance, that’s a huge concern for many individuals.