
  • michael-j-shepard replied to the topic Company meeting in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago


    Ray noted a lot of key things you need to really put some thought into. Understanding where you want your company to be helps you determine what you need to focus on now to get it there.

    As for specific details on your meeting content, a lot of the necessary details will come from your battalion and your sister companies. Your battalion (presumably) has both a Command and Staff meeting and a BN Training Meeting. Yours is a small, combined version of both. This should be a view of where you sit on all key metrics – admin, training, logistics, whatever. It needs to consolidate information that answers battalion’s questions and provide a platform for you to give guidance in training and any other areas of note to get your command on the right path or to keep it there.

    Your command team/group has everything you need – Admin NCO has your personnel information, such as leave, personnel actions, awards, evals, etc. Training NCO has training calendar, stats, requests, resources, etc. Supply has necessary logistics information. 1SG covers a lot of bases, as you determine. XO tracks whatever you’ve assigned him or her to track.

    Your training meeting is an opportunity for each of them to gather that info, identify problems, and resolve shortcomings. It’s also an opportunity for a unified command front between your 1SG, who should have a chance to address things, and you.

    Keep it strictly on topic, on target, and limit it to one hour at most. Be concise, be productive, and be useful.