
  • snusom replied to the topic Branch-Dependent Leadership Styles (June 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 3 months ago

    Leadership stereotypes exist but I think there’s a difference between being effective in your job/branch versus effectively leading Soldiers. Obviously, leaders need to understand the nuances of their MOS but effective leadership transcends branches.

    Great timing for this question as I am currently reading The Art of Command. This book focuses on nine military leaders and nine leadership qualities. Each chapter examines one leader through the lens of a specific leadership trait. All nine qualities are associated with effective leadership but are not specific to any one branch: integrity, determination, institutional leadership, charismatic leadership, cross-cultural leadership, visionary leadership, technology and leadership, adaptive leadership, and exemplary followership.

    I cannot think of a time when I have looked at a peer or superior and thought that person was just a “great infantry leader” or a great “cavalry leader”, etc. Leaders that have influenced me possess traits and leadership styles that would make them effective in any organization/branch/profession because they understand how to motivate and inspire others.
