
  • tiarawalz replied to the topic Meet the New Boss (November 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago

    Leaders coming into a new organization are counting on their leaders (including Junior Officers) to prepare them for their new job. It is our responsibility to prepare some sort of welcome brief for our new boss. New leaders in a new unit should be briefed on your roles and responsibilities, your capabilities, unit strength, what your mission is, etc. I would also schedule a walk through of my department and really lay it out for my new boss. This can help influence their expectations of you, as well as make a great first impression. This becomes especially important in a unit with a diverse mission set (like a military treatment facility). A hospital commander probably doesn’t know the ins and outs of his entire organization- it’s the staff’s job to do that. I build and update what’s called an “MTF Profile” every quarter for MEDCOM. It includes how many beds we have, what specialties we offer, which beneficiaries we see, how big our enrollment is, what special projects we may be doing in the community, etc. As Staff Officers, we have to advise our Commander. A general SWOT Chart should always be on hand – strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. Brief your staff/Soldiers on the upcoming leadership transition and ensure you have your ducks in a row for a walk through or welcome brief so that you are putting your best foot forward. I always have an updated Managed Care Brief for my department handy- because you never know who could walk through the door.