
  • tiarawalz replied to the topic Leadership Topic Lead Introduction in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago

    One of the things I was most excited about as a Company Commander was the impact I could make on my Soldiers. How could I best serve them, and help them to achieve the most in their careers during that time? Most of us know as JOs that we want to command. We all have experiences with Commanders that help mold who we do (and do not) want to be as a Commander.

    I recommend to everyone seeking Command to have your vision and philosophy done and ready to go. What is your wish list in Command? What do you want to achieve? What do you want your leaders to achieve? Your Soldiers? Few times in your career can you make such a HUGE impact on so many people. For me, that was a huge responsibility and an honor. I wanted to make sure they had opportunities to excel.

    Some of my Wish List in Command included:

    -Setting up a volunteer program for Soldiers to get their MOVSM, and to give back to our community. This enhanced teamwork and camaraderie to a degree even I didn’t expect.

    -Getting as many people as I could qualified and through EFMB (and any other additional schools they wanted)

    -A robust training program

    -The highest PT scores of their careers (through this, I started a Marathon/Half Marathon Training Team in my MEDDAC)


    When your Soldiers know you care for them, and are busting your butt to create opportunities for them, you would be amazed at the things they can achieve. This positive cycle sets everyone up for success.