
  • x70037 replied to the topic What would you do? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago

    I like this scenario A LOT! #TooReal

    Boom! there you go. A universe of emotions run through your head in a split second. The strongest emotions are anger and defensiveness. They swirl like a powerful black hole in this universe, pulling you toward that voice in the back of your head telling you to pipe up with, “I’m sorry. Say that again, from the position of attention…” DON’T DO IT! DON’T DO IT! DON’T DO IT! Travel through that blackhole of anger to the magical world de-escalation.

    Respond to the 1SG: “Oh, got it, thanks 1SG, I’ll go talk to the BDE XO.” <smile>

    Turn to the PV2: Hey, Warrior/Private/Jones, how’s your day going? <smile>

    Congratulations! You just demonstrated to everyone in that room (including the 1SG) how a real leader responds to stress and adversity… calmly, professionally, with a positive attitude. That 1SG, who has more than a day in the Army, KNOWS he/she was wrong to get snippy. You took the high road.

    Now, wait 72 hours. If the 1SG does not circle back to apologize to you AND you still feel bothered by what happened you can circle back in private to the 1SG. 72 hours lets the emotions and the urgency clear (maybe the 1SG was snippy because you accidentally interrupted a serious Soldier issue he/she was dealing with). Tell the 1SG, “hey 1SG, I just wanted to pop-in and say ‘thanks’ again for directing me to the XO about the staff duty thing the other day… blah, blah… I actually knew it was XO business I was just trying to let you know as a courtesy… blah, blah… so no, worries, but in the future, just so you know, I didn’t appreciate the way you addressed me in front of the other Leaders in your office because I really need your support to be successful in this organization, anyway, have a good day, let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”

    <mike drop> Assertive, confident, empowered, Junior-officer out.

