Performance/Growth and Positive Counseling Templates
Circumstances required me to put together an impromptu LPD for performance/professional growth counseling, the final product of which is the attached template. It’s been received well, and has assisted with some seriously needed head-space and timing checks (yes, I dated myself). Along with this, I put together a positive counseling template since leaders (especially in the National Guard and Reserves) are overwhelmed with so many “mandatory requirements,” training, and meetings, it’s hard to find the time to do something as basic as recognize a Soldier for doing good, and I mean going beyond simply giving them a “good job” in front of their peers. While I totally support recognizing Soldiers in front of their friends, a positive counseling can assist a Soldier’s career.
I put together the attached template to act as a guide and quick reference for on the spot positive counseling. I kept copies on my desk when I was a PL so any leader in my platoon has access to it. It breaks it down in easy to fill out sections that the leader can hand-jam, all they need is a FM 6-22 to help with some verbiage. It’s basic, easy to follow, and gets the gray matter working by going step by step what you might want to include in a positive counseling, that can then be used as an award or evaluation bullet.
By using Army terminology, putting what the Soldier did in terms of the Army Values, Attributes, and or Competencies, this has the added effect of putting what the Soldier did into Army leadership terms, which then translate better to NCOERs and counseling. It also forces leaders to stick their nose into the FM 6-22 and become familiar with the Army Values, as well as leader attributes and competencies.
Had to add the “JO Jam” tag!