Unit Visit FeedbackPlease let us know how we did. Thank you in advance for your feedback. — CJO Team Overall, how would you rate this course in helping you develop as a leader? (required) Very ineffectiveIneffectiveNeither effective nor ineffectiveEffectiveVery effective What did you take away from the workshop? (required) How did this compare with other LPDs you have attended? Please provide details to help us understand and better compare. Prove you're a humanoid: (only use numerals in your answer)How many quarters are in a dollar? Related Posts Additional Duties, BOLC, CC, File, Leadership, Operations, Personnel, PL, public-content, STAFF, Supply, Training, XO Unit Movement Officer public-content CJO Leadership Fellows Program CJO Leadership Fellows Program Become a Leadership Fellow in the Center for Junior Officers Inspiring and developing junior officers through innovative approaches is at the … public-content, show-no-metadata Leader Challenge Survey
Additional Duties, BOLC, CC, File, Leadership, Operations, Personnel, PL, public-content, STAFF, Supply, Training, XO Unit Movement Officer
public-content CJO Leadership Fellows Program CJO Leadership Fellows Program Become a Leadership Fellow in the Center for Junior Officers Inspiring and developing junior officers through innovative approaches is at the …