Welcome to the XO Community! We are often thrown into the fire and expected to put it out with little idea of how, and usually with no tools at hand. This space is for you, the protector of the property book and service schedule, the one behind the scenes that makes it all happen. Feel free to post any questions, advice, or products to help Team XO out!

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Contribute a FileLatest Files
- Unit Movement Officer (6/30/2024) -
- General Range Checklist (12/22/2019) - Attached is my “General Range Checklist” because I wish I’d had one as a young PL. Although it was originally built for Korea I’ve standardized it to be applicable for …
- DUI Prevention Program (12/9/2019) - After one of our Sergeants got a DUI, First Sergeant and I held a sensing session with the leaders. During this session, we solicited ideas to reduce the risk of …
- Company Standards (12/9/2019) - Prior to command, I sat down with my future First Sergeant and developed this company standards document. The intent was to empower junior leaders by laying out the standards and …
- Video LPD: Ranges (10/10/2019) - Here’s a video I put together to summarize some of the lessons I’ve learned running ranges and seeing them run over the years. Also attached is a knowledge cache in …
- S1NET SOPs (6/12/2019) - Excel document with compiled hyperlinks to milsuite documents, including SOPs, ceremony scripts, counseling examples, new baby certificates, memorandums, and more!
- AAA Reports and Accountability (10/16/2018) - The point of this post is to discuss the AAA reports each commander signs every month. BLUF: I created a spreadsheet to help scrub AAA 162 reports, if you want it, …
- SLGV Updates (10/16/2018) - As we all know, the Army is slowly moving to a more digital world. SGLVs are now updated through SOES webpage as opposed to through the S1. I am attaching …
- IPPS-A Personnel Request (9/27/2018) - This information is being posted on behalf of a partner forum (S1Net). Please contact the POCs on the attached PDF and/or the image below or …
- Training Design Tools (9/10/2018) - The following link provides access to every exercise design tool you could need. The portal is maintained by the DA G2 Operational Environment Center. This portal gives you access to …
- How to Create or Edit a Signature Block in MS Outlook (7/11/2018) - Tired of typing your name at the end of every email? Wishing that you had an easy way to switch between ways of signing your emails? Check out this 1-page …
- How to create Rules in MS Outlook (6/26/2018) - Do you get overwhelmed by your Inbox? Wonder how people have their emails auto-sort into more manageable sections? Worry no more, check out these steps for how to create Rules …
- How to Update GAL (6/26/2018) - Check this out – wondering how to update your phone number and duty title so people can see your duty information in Outlook? Wonder no more! Check out this 1-page …
- How to do an Advanced Search in GAL in Outlook (6/26/2018) - See the attached PDF for how to do an advanced search in Microsoft Outlook with the GAL –
- GEARS (6/19/2018) - Team! Want to save trees? I present GEARS (Global Electronic Approval Routing System). Used on S1 as a way to maintain accountably and to also avoid losing paperwork! Hope it helps!
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Contribute an Article/Interview<h2>Latest Articles and Interviews</h2>
- Member Video LPD: The Leader Book (12/5/2019) - Here, in the final 2019 CJO Member Video LPD, I discuss Leader Books and how to make an effective one. Leader Book
- Video LPD: The Profession of Arms (10/24/2019) - The Army is more than a job; it’s a profession. Here’s a video I put together with my thoughts about what it means for junior officers to be members of …
- Video LPD: Ranges (10/10/2019) - Here’s a video I put together to summarize some of the lessons I’ve learned running ranges and seeing them run over the years. Also attached is a knowledge cache in …
- Command Interview: Captain Dave Zelaya, Commander, B Co ” Borzoi”, 1-27 IN, 25th ID (11/6/2018) - Captain Dave Zelaya, Commander, B Co ” Borzoi”, 1-27 IN, 25th ID, U.S. Army Hawaii NO FEAR ON EARTH! 1. Can you describe the leader development program in your company? …
- Leveling up from Battle Buddy to Fire Team: Talking about Having Children (7/11/2018) - Discussing kids becoming a part of your life is the focus of this topic as part of the Dual-Military series here in the JO Forum. This topic will be divided …
- Involuntary Separation: My Transition Story (6/4/2018) - Awhile ago, Ray asked me to be a part of the JO Forum’s volunteer team, working behind the scenes to help benefit the community of junior officers. When he asked, …
- CPT Gavin Hill CO CDR Interview Charlie Troop, 5-73 CAV, 3 BCT, 82nd ABN DIV (5/1/2018) - Company Command Interview CPT Gavin Hill is nearing the end of his first year as the commander for Charlie Troop, 5-73 CAV, 3 BCT, 82nd ABN DIV. Some highlights of …
- CPT Paul Kunnas USAG Meade CO CDR Interview 14 Mar 18 (3/28/2018) - Company Command Interview cao 15 Mar 2018 CPT Paul Kunnas serves as the Company Commander, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort George. G. Meade, MD. How did you prepare for command? I …
- Article on Professional Officer Conduct (3/9/2018) - I learned from mistakes, wish I (knew) to read this and reflect, as a 2LT. Some ask themselves, 'how to be'. There's a level of maturity and emotional intelligence that …
- Leadership Topic Introduction (2/8/2018) - Dear Leaders, Good morning, afternoon, or evening. My name is Paul Kunnas, and I have the opportunity to facilitate the leadership topic. I'm honored to highlight …
- JO Forum Terrain Walk (11/1/2017) - Got a bad case of JO FOMO?* Feel like you’re overlooking some resources in this space? Fear no longer! The JO team has built a terrain walk of some key …
- Standing Your Ground; Knowing What Right Is (7/2/2017) - As you progress in your career you will come up against "advice" and "opinions," that run counter to what you know is right. Does anyone …
- Things I Would Tell My 22 Year-old, Army Officer Self – Including but not limited to (5/9/2017) - 01 OCT 2015 I saw the prompt for this piece in an article on LinkedIn. The topic is nothing new — just another “what I wish I had known at X age” …
- Congrats on your excellent performance so far: You’ve been nominated for… (4/19/2017) - Some officers will have the opportunity to compete for nominative positions throughout their career. Eligibility for nominative positions generally begin upon promotion to first lieutenant …
- Tomahawk Pacific Pathways EXSUMs (Updated 4 May 2017) (4/5/2017) - This is a living document sharing the EXSUMs of TF 1-123IN during their Pacific Pathways 17-1 deployments. Summaries of each document are listed below, with the actual EXSUMs attached. These …